Thursday, 9 February 2017

Coaching to live

Success mindset coaching
 Leadership coaching
 Spiritual wellbeing coaching
 Winners attitude coaching
Folks, it all emanates from one single entity sitting inside you. 
You have allowed it to believe that all the above “worldly success “stamps are not in you.

God is a bad marketer that ways: He did not give “Breathe in Breathe out” coaching. We would have attended that too, even while living. 

What matters ?

Does it really matter?
That the poor suffer?
That the rich enjoy?
That mediocrity fails?
That supremacy wins?
It does not. As long as you cannot do anything about it. You have your own self to be taken care of to compete and complete the race unless your race itself is to change the world.
If you still believe you can do something, take up the race to change the world.

Worth it, absolutely!